Sunday, December 30, 2007

TDVP Episode 55 - A Look Back At 2007

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Seems like just yesterday I was pondering the idea of doing a dulcimer podcast and now, over 55 episodes later (the first four videos were experiments), I'm looking at a retrospective of the people, places and music that have enriched and blessed my life over the past twelve months.

With only a self-imposed ten-minute limit in which to reflect, I've chosen to show some of the footage that ended up on the cutting room floor this year, from musical performances to, yes, bloopers (oh, and there were many.) From Phoenix, Arizona to Hamden, Connecticut - it's been a blast and I'm looking forward to 2008's travels, seeing old friends and meeting new ones while making LOTS of music. You'll catch a glimpse of the new very blue studio in this episode (for those who have been watching since the beginning, it's the carport where I stalked the Fed-Ex guy in Episode 2) and be sure to hang around after the credits for one last dose of fun.

Big thanks to all the folks who appeared on TDVP throughout the year. Also, huge thanks to all the viewers and subscribers who have signed up through the web to watch the program; your dedication keeps me going!

So, what will 2008 bring? For starters, a new intro/outro sequence and more regular appearances of features like "Dulcimail." Also, in response to requests, a select number of episodes will be available on broadcast-quality DVD. I know some of you really enjoy the show, but would enjoy it more if it wasn't presented on a screen the size of a postage stamp.

Happy New Year, everybody!

Watch this video podcast!

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