Friday, April 27, 2018

Episode 387 - "Up At The Bowery"


Bing performs “Promentory” from “The Last of the Mohicans” using a loopstation and a bass pedal in this conclusion of a two-part series from The Bowery Stage at Winnsboro Center For The Arts in Winnsboro, Texas.

Bing Futch is endorsed by Folkcraft Instruments, V-Picks and Zither Stands.
Enjoy "Dulcimerica"? Consider supporting the program by becoming a patron!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Episode 386 - "Down At The Bowery"


Bing returns to The Bowery Stage at Winnsboro Center For The Arts in Winnsboro, Texas. See an overview of the town and a performance of “Sweet River” on mountain dulcimer and Native American flute using a looper pedal in this episode.

Bing Futch is endorsed by Folkcraft Instruments, V-Picks and Zither Stands.
Enjoy "Dulcimerica"? Consider supporting the program by becoming a patron!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Episode 385 - "Zither and Yon"


Bing travels to Brenham, Texas and visits Zither Music Company, builder of award-winning instrument stands and stools.

Bing Futch is endorsed by Folkcraft Instruments, V-Picks and Zither Stands.
Enjoy "Dulcimerica"? Consider supporting the program by becoming a patron!

Friday, April 06, 2018

Episode 384 - "Gulf Coast Dulcimers 3"


Part 3 from the 6th Annual Florida Gulf Coast Dulcimer Retreat featuring Bing Futch performing “Shady Groove.” PLUS, a look at some moments from the 1st Annual Castaway Cruise which sailed to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.

Bing Futch is endorsed by Folkcraft Instruments, V-Picks and Zither Stands.
Enjoy "Dulcimerica"? Consider supporting the program by becoming a patron!