Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Dulcimerica 300 - "Top Ten Ways To Improve Your Playing"

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The 300th episode of "Dulcimerica"! It features a Top Ten list of things you can do to help improve your playing in the new year. Bing Futch endorses, and is endorsed by, Folkcraft Instruments ( http://Folkcraft.com ), V-Picks ( http://V-Picks.com ) and General Case (http://GeneralCase.com) Please help support Dulcimerica by becoming a patron on Patreon! http://www.Patreon.com/BingFutch  

Bing Futch endorses, and is endorsed by, Folkcraft Instruments, ( http://Folkcraft.com ) V-Picks ( http://V-Picks.com ) and General Case ( http://GeneralCase.com ). Please help support Dulcimerica by becoming a patron on Patreon!

Watch this video podcast!

Dulcimerica 299 - "Intro To Looping"

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An introduction to the looper pedal for practice and performance! Bing Futch endorses, and is endorsed by, Folkcraft Instruments ( http://Folkcraft.com ), V-Picks ( http://V-Picks.com ) and General Case (http://GeneralCase.com) Please help support Dulcimerica by becoming a patron on Patreon! http://www.Patreon.com/BingFutch  

Bing Futch endorses, and is endorsed by, Folkcraft Instruments, ( http://Folkcraft.com ) V-Picks ( http://V-Picks.com ) and General Case ( http://GeneralCase.com ). Please help support Dulcimerica by becoming a patron on Patreon!

Watch this video podcast!